you could wake up every morning
looking forward to the day ahead?
How would you spend your days?
from living your best life?
there was a MAGIC MECHANISM that could
INSTANTLY help you achieve the life you imagine?
"But I don't believe in Magic!"
some may say.
What if I told you
There is a TYPE of MAGIC that is REAL?
The REAL MAGIC that makes some peoples dreams come true.
There is a human super power that enables one to dig themself out from the ditch of defeat, despair and depression and walk the path of Peace, Prosperity and Personal Power.
There is mystical FORCE that empowers one to escape the MUNDANE and experience the MAGNIFICENT!
Learn 3 Simple and Powerful, Self-Hypnosis Techniques To LIVE JOYFULLY the Life You Imagine:
1. Eliminate ANY Negative Habit Or Instill Any New Positive Habit in 30 Days Or Less.
2. BREAK FREE form the chains of Fear, Negativity and Anxiety.
3. Turn Your Natural Thought Process Into An Unstoppable Force For PEACE, PROSPERITY, and PERSONAL POWER!
Day ONE Saturday Jan. 4th, 2025
"World Hypnotism Day"
1:00pm EST
Day TWO Sunday Jan. 5th 1:00 pm EST
Day THREE Monday Jan. 6th 8:00 pm EST
90 Minutes per day Challenge/Workshop to RESET your MINDSET for a year of personal success.
Saturday Jan. 4th, 2025
"World Hypnotism Day"
1:00pm EST
90 Minute Challenge/Workshop to RESET your MINDSET for a year of personal success.
"Day One of Magic Mindset Mechanism! Yay!"
"Inspiring material about how to move into breakthroughs to our success. Thank you, Stephen!"
Cecile Miranda
Teacher, counselor, hypnotherapist
"This is a great program!
I attended the last one. I'm still in the process of implementing what I've learned. I'm already seeing results."
Kent Biehler
Sales Professional
"This really helped to refocus me. I had been in a car accident and hadn't worked for a month due to aches, pains and "excuses". This program helped to nudge me back onto my path. I'm back! I was pretty cool before but now I'm on fire!"
LaVera Noel,
Mother, Entrepreneur, Adventurer
They're killing your hopes and dreams. It's more than just a mood; it's a silent dream assassin, suffocating your aspirations before they even take their first breath. This relentless negativity doesn't just stay within; it radiates outward, creating a barrier that repels potential friendships, opportunities, and meaningful business relationships. The damage doesn't stop there. Your pessimistic outlook invites a cascade of complications into your life:
Hopelessness: It snuffs out the light of hope, leaving you in the dark, unable to see the path forward.
Stifled Creativity: It buries your creative spark under a mountain of doubts, making it nearly impossible to dig out.
Paralysis by Analysis: It traps you in a cycle of overthinking, preventing you from taking the steps needed to move forward.
Missed Opportunities: It blinds you to opportunities that are right in front of you, making you invisible to potential growth and success.
Relationship Strain: It builds walls between you and the people who matter most, isolating you in a prison of your own making.
Health Deterioration: It manifests physically, draining your energy and leaving your body weakened and vulnerable.
Bad Luck: It seems to draw misfortunes and setbacks to you, as though negativity has tainted your fortunes.
You don't have to live this way. What you need is an "Attitude Fitness Makeover," and that's where the Magic Mindset Mechanism comes in. Our 3-Day Attitude Makeover Program isn't just a course; it's a transformation. Upon participating and completing the Magic Mindset Mechanism 3-day challenge and workshop, you will experience a wealth of advantages and bonuses:
Revived Hope: Reignite the flame of hope, lighting up a path to a brighter, possibility-filled future.
Unleashed Creativity: Free your creativity from its confines, empowering you to explore and express your untapped potential.
Clarity of Action: Break away from the shackles of overthinking, enabling decisive and forward-moving actions.
Seized Opportunities: Open your eyes to the abundance of opportunities surrounding you, ready for the taking.
Enhanced Relationships: Break down the barriers isolating you from others, fostering meaningful connections and support.
Boosted Health: Rejuvenate your physical state, enhancing your energy levels and overall well-being.
Turned Fortunes: Shift the balance of luck in your favor, attracting positive outcomes and serendipitous opportunities.
Imagine breaking free from the chains of negativity, embracing a life filled with hope, creativity, action, opportunities, enriched relationships, and robust health. That's the power of a positive mindset, and it's all within your reach. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the magic of your mind. The time for change is now. Transform your attitude, transform your life with the "Magic Mindset Mechanism."
Meet others who have experienced powerful life changing results with Stephen's Hypnosis and Mindset programs.
In this workshop I will guide you to work with my FREE downloadable exercises and fill-in-the-blank templates to transform your thought process in an organic way. We will ignite your imagination to finally TAKE ACTION on your desires. Using unique and easy SELF-HYPNOSIS strategies that fit into your normal schedule and life.
STEP 1. What exactly is it that you want to achieve? I will be instructing you and gifting you an amazing tool to define and DIAL-IN on your desired GOAL and also your birthright PURPOSE. Do you know EXACTLY what you want to achieve over the next year or over the course of your life? Do you know that 95% of all people do not have defined purpose or goal in life? Do you have a written and internalized life purpose, mission statement? You soon will and you'll then be part of the 5% elite group with a real vision and rock-solid purpose. Once you have done this your mindset and essence of life will immediately change.
STEP 2. Design your PATH. Most people have dreams and goals but they get side-tracked. Their mind and thoughts are scattered in different directions. I will be gifting you a tool that organizes your thoughts in a natural way according to your priorities. Instead of being torn apart by inner conflict, your subconscious mind will be activated to gravitate you effortlessly toward your goals. You will no longer drift like a leaf in a stream, you will boldly walk the path of your personally chosen destiny.
STEP 3. Your purpose or goal is now solidified and your PATH mapped out. I am going to teach you a self-hypnosis hack and give you a template you can customize, that will set your quest on auto-pilot. You will implement your plan with a new PROSPERITY consciousness, taking bold action while residing in a state of peace of mind and certainty that you will succeed. Fear, trepidation, and procrastination will be banished and you will have the calm, confidence to overcome any obstacle. You will notice magical opportunities appearing before you and you will have the confidence and clarity to seize them.
Your thoughts, ideas, dreams and whims, are the SEEDS of "things" you desire and are meant to achieve. If God planted this GOOD idea in your head then it is meant for you to bring to fruition. To FAIL would be BAD for the world.
MOST people just leave these precious seeds lying tucked away in some junk drawer, corner of their mind collecting dust. They believe achieving dreams is for some other class of people and go about living a life someone else has planned for them.
The Magic Mindset Mechanism workshop will guide you to go beyond just just thinking. You will be empowered to courageously plant those seeds in fertile soil, allow them to take root and nurture them as they begin to grow and your new garden of personal success starts to flourish in reality.
I know it's REAL because I harnessed this magic force to achieve EVERY ONE of my most important dreams.
This is the true mystical FORCE that empowers one to escape the MUNDANE and experience the MAGNIFICENT!
This is the same "magic power" that allowed Orville and Wilbur Wright to take the "seemingly impossible" prospect of man flying in the sky to the REALITY of man flying. What began as a thought became a reality going against ALL beliefs at the time of what was possible.
It all begins and ends with your thoughts. Specifically, your thought process, attitude and MINDSET. The way in which you view people, situations, ideas, setbacks, and opportunities.
It is simply a matter of MINDSET, why one person "sees" just a pile of stones, while another "sees" potential building blocks for creating magnificent structures. Some see not only "what is" but "what can be".
I could have ignored the beckoning call to pursue my dreams and just settled for a life of mediocrity. I chose the road less traveled and I want to show you exactly how I did it.
We each have the ability to dream, imagine and CREATE THINGS from thought to fruition. We create ideas, concepts, emotions, relationships, families, businesses, cities and nations. We were born to be not only spectators and consumers, but to be co-creators in this miraculous universe.
The sad fact is that most people lose or suppress this ability when first entering society through school and work and surrendering all dreams and hopes because of FEAR of ridicule and rejection from peers, co-workers and even family and friends. We abandon our most important dreams or hide our talents just to conform to the expectations of others.
We were empowered with the ability to navigate from where we are to where we want and need to be. It's TIME to RECLAIM that power!
*A simple but purposeful shift in my own mindset immediately put me on course from low self-esteem to CENTER STAGE, able to achieve my childhood dreams as well as my adult personal and professional goals.
I am an entertainer, magician, stage hypnotist, and hypnotic success coach certified with the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Creator and Founder of The Magic Mindset Mechanism™ Program and The Pyramid Protocol™ System.
Most importantly, I'm your "attitude fitness" coach.
I'm not a "famous" entertainer, as you've most likely never heard of me, however, I am one of the busiest "small time" professional entertainers in the New York City tri-state area for over 20 years. My entertainment is featured at all of the top family resorts in the region as well as many private and corporate events. My fun, magical entertainment is enjoyed by all ages from kids to teens to adults.
I've hypnotized thousands of people over the past 15 years on stage, in group programs and one-on-one coaching.
*The name "Mr Hypno" actually came from my wife one day when she was teasing me about my work and I liked it so I adopted it and it just stuck.
From the time I was a child I was fascinated by magic and all things magical and wondrous. I was awed by the miracles of Jesus and incredible occurrences of Moses and others described in the bible where I first remember them being depicted in movies and taught about in my school.
I was always intrigued by all things strange and unusual. My imagination and curiosity was sparked as a child by the circus, the side-show, theater, movies, and even the characters that walked the streets of New York City. There was also TV shows like The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, and One Step Beyond.
My incredible, loving parents bought me my first Magic Kit when I was five years old. I wanted to know the secrets of magic and I wanted to make magic. My parents were the BEST and encouraged my siblings and myself in all of our interests. I always believed in the possibility of magic. My desire was always to go beyond the ordinary to experience the EXTRAORDINARY. I learned very young that reaching for the extraordinary takes RISK. It takes GUTS. It has a PRICE. It involves the ability to endure embarrassing failure and crushing heartbreak while holding onto that magical vision and marching on.
I define "magic" as the realization of the seemingly impossible. I also appreciate "magic" as the natural daily miracles of life and nature that are all around us, gifted by God and often taken for granted.
I have spent my entire life pursuing the possibilities of REAL "magic" and through some unique set of circumstances and synchronicities I did discover a REAL SECRET of REAL MAGIC to my satisfaction. Through a chance meeting on a plane, during a business trip in 1986 I met a man who gifted me the bare bones of "The Magic Mindset Mechanism" that he scribbled on a piece of paper. I ignored it for approximately 20 years, but at the age of 40 I put this magic mechanism to the test. I actually gambled my life on it, putting my heart and soul into the system. Hours, years and dollars were invested to implement and amazingly the results manifested quickly...transforming my life and achieving several very specific goals in the process.
I'm not wealthy in dollars but overflowing with abundance living the most magical life I could ever have imagined and basking in the spiritual riches of Peace, Prosperity and Personal Power. Since activating The Magic Mindset Mechanism I realized my childhood dream of becoming a full-time entertainer/professional magician and at the same time achieved my adult dream to become successfully self-employed and have been for over 20 years.
I was able to DESIGN a life which allowed me the freedom to spend time with my family. I developed "Personal Power" becoming my own boss and having the freedom to spend my days the way I choose, working when I choose and working with the people I choose. This freedom really became a blessing when, over 10 years ago, my wife was stricken with some debilitating health issues and her mobility became very limited. Being self-employed and working the hours I choose, I am able to be around in a way that wouldn't be possible if I had a regular "job". Our modest home and Magic Garden is our own little paradise where we spend our time.
Blessed with the an amazing wife and two incredible sons who have grown into productive, successful caring young men makes me joyful and proud beyond belief. My sons utilized the principles of The Magic Mindset Mechanism to achieve their own personal goals.
Having been gifted with an abundance of love and support from my siblings and extended family, my heart flows with gratitude to God each day and now my aim in life is to spend the remaining years sharing this amazing secret of the "Magic Mindset Mechanism" with anyone who may be stuck in a rut and searching for the way to live the life they imagine. Because it worked so well for me (pursuing the most ridiculous of goals for someone of my limited intelligence, talent, education and skill) I'm certain that it will work for anyone who puts it to work with the same enthusiasm and dedication that I did.
*The complete system will be revealed in my upcoming book to be released in 2024.
Once the mechanism is activated, the miracles and grace of God and the forces of nature and the universe become engaged in your quest. The heavens open up the floodgates of opportunity and you are in for the ride of your life. Whatever "ride" happens to be your passion. I am so excited for you and the adventure you are about to begin ... if you dare.
The 3 DAY program is FREE OF CHARGE but will require a commitment and investment of your TIME, FOCUS, and IMPLEMENTATION to reap the rewards.
Mark your calendar and set the time aside where you can focus and imerse yourself in the experience.
Be sure to have a notepad and some pencils as well as water to keep hydrated. Each session will be approx. 60 minutes JAM-PACKED with mind-shifting, life-changing info.
When you engage, integrate and apply these 3 STEPS and CONCEPTS into your life using some of the most powerful thought techniques, habit transformation processes and action strategies including self-hypnosis, you will be on your way to "SET YOUR SUCCESS IN STONE"™
RECLAIM your true birthright potential and PURPOSE.
Do you remember the joy of childhood, where limitless dreams and boundless, magical possibilities danced before you? Do you ever feel like you settled for less than what was meant for your life? Why?
95% of people live their life like a leaf on a stream going wherever the current takes them. No real plan, goals or purpose ... only vague hopes, wishes and whims. Whims and wishes are fine for those who are happy to live in that state but not for those who have goals they want to achieve. It is a very small group of people who intentionally take full control and responsibility of their purpose and direction in life.
On DAY ONE you will become one of the "5 percenters" as I will present you with "THE 5 QUESTIONS" that will guide you to clarify your purpose and goals in life.
Next, I will gift you a tool to download, that is my original creation called "THE PROMISE™". A transformational tool that you will personalize and want to carry with you every day. It is a powerful exercise in thought transmutation that engages the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and spiritual to organically internalize your goals in such a way that they become a part your subconscious mind.
“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” Henry David Thoreau
REBUILD Your confidence and clarity with a clearly marked PATH to reach your goals.
You've heard the saying "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail".
On DAY TWO I am gifting you another original downloadable product. An instrument of time management that you will customize and personalize in just a few minutes and carry with you every day. A simple tool originally created by one of our great American Presidents and modified to work with The Magic Mindset Mechanism™" process to be easily digested and implemented.
This tool will systematically organize and prioritize your daily tasks in a way that your mind will automatically make decisions congruent with your most important desires. Your mind will be transformed into a "priority organizing machine". You will no longer waste precious time straying off course or making decisions that you regret. Clutter and confusion will fade away leading to clarity and confidence. Your mind will begin to operate in a way that naturally and effortlessly takes you from procrastination and propels you in the trajectory of your short term goals, long term goals and ultimate life purpose.
REJOICE in Your Newfound Mindset of PROSPERITY.
With your PURPOSE defined and your PATH mapped out in a way you've never done before, you are now ready for a PROSPERITY consciousness like you've never experienced before. We have set the dials and now it is time to ACITVATE the mechanism. You will immediately begin to walk the walk and make moves and grooves with a bold stride.
On DAY THREE I am gifting you a downloadable template to craft your personalized self-hypnosis script and step by step instructions on how to use it. I will provide a demonstration on how to put this hypnotic tool to work for you. By the end of day 3 you will have activated the "Magic Mindset Mechanism™". I promise that you will IMMEDIATELY notice the shift in your attitude and thought process. You will find yourself more grateful of the treasures you already possess and find new ways to leverage them for greater achievement and happiness. You will be more AWARE and will begin to notice opportunities and synchronicities that would have been invisible to you in the past. It will at times feel like MAGIC. Because it is.
Self-Hypnosis is just ONE of the tools we well be utilizing in this TRANSFORMATIONAL 3 DAY program. I want you to have a HEAD START and begin to understand what we'll be discussing. I want to debunk all of the MYTHS and preconceived notions you may have about hypnosis. So, the minute you sign up you will receive my "Self-Hypnosis Hacks" PDF ebook in your mailbox.
No waiting! WHO'S NEXT to take the first step on the path to Peace, Prosperity and Personal Power with The Magic Mindset?
"We are in a constant battle against the negative forces of naysayers, skeptics, belittlers, and haters ATTACKING our inner peace, confidence and joy of life. We're all under varying degrees of relentless pressure from life's daily struggles, obstacles and setbacks. OUR MINDSET/ATTITUDE MUST BE ARMED, TRAINED, AND FIT TO WIN THAT BATTLE EVERY DAY"
-Stephen Christopher
We all view life through the filter of our attitude or "mindset" and that filter actually creates the very quality of our life.
Positive Attitude vs Negative Attitude. What is that?
Two people can look at the same situation in completely different ways based on their attitude or mindset. The way in which each of them processes the SAME situation determines how they react and the ultimate outcome that is produced.
When faced with ANY situation, the person with a NEGATIVE ATTITUDE instinctively notices and focuses more on limitations and obstacles imagining and anticipating the worst outcome of the situation causing stress and anxiety. Their mindset is centered in a place of fear and darkness. The person with the POSITIVE ATTITUDE instinctively notices and focuses on opportunities and solutions, imagining and anticipating the best outcome causing energy and excitement. They are centered in a place of hope and happiness that radiates to the people they come in contact with and it attracts people who want to bask in the warmth of their light. Which attitude do you think leads to productivity and happiness? Which attitude leads to sadness and depression? Which attitude attracts people and which repels people?
A "Magic Mindset" drives a person to achieve things that were previously thought to be seemingly impossible.
Keeping our attitude FIT is a task that must be tended to each day. We can CHOOSE how we react to any situation. Positive Thinking does not just happen. It is a skill or trait that must be acquired and maintained. The mindset needs FITNESS TRAINING just as much or even more so than the body.
Our thought process has been formed over the years and PROGRAMMED through a form of hypnosis. As children we believed anything was possible. We believed in magic and we believed all our dreams could come true. However, our parents, teachers and other adults ( having the best intentions for our safety ) hammered us on the dangers of everything we did. They conditioned our mind to at the very least "play it safe" and at the worst REJECT all possibility of achieving our BIG DREAMS. They conditioned us to avoid risk and pain and settle for a life of security, safety and mediocrity. There was a time when that mindset was useful to us, but when you come to the age and crossroads of determination to design your own destiny, that old mindset must be eradicated. It is time for a NEW WAY OF THINKING that lives and breathes to be daring, bold, open to new ideas and opportunities and ready to take hold of the reigns and full control of the direction of our lives. We must BELIEVE in the POSIBILTY of MAGICAL things happening. MAGIC HAPPENS when we LET IT HAPPEN. When we get out of our own way and open the door of invitation to the magic of the universe.
Finally, eliminate the mental blocks that have kept you lagging, stuck in a rut, or completely shut down. Whether it is lack of confidence, low self-esteem, no vision, no plan, no hope, or no clue.
Are you struggling to find a way forward?
Are you trapped in a mindset of negativity, fear and anxiety?
I can't wait to meet with you and share the 3 simple moves and grooves that transformed my life, so that you can replicate the steps with your own precious dreams.
Finally, achieve any goal by getting your mind In line with your actions and habits to drive you naturally toward your target.
You are about to be gifted a SYSTEM that will transform your natural thought process into a rock-solid structure and attitude of faith, positivity and success! A mental FORCE that attracts and manifests your desires while driving you in the direction of your goals. Discover and adopt the 3 rock solid steps that will align your thoughts and actions to unlock & unleash your true birthright potential and live the life you imagine.
"One simple shift in mindset can set our lives in a whole new direction.
The SHIFT happened when someone had a THOUGHT in their mind that they could achieve the seemingly impossible and they SET FORTH in the taking the trial and error, action steps necessary to make it a reality.
Let's RECAP what you're going to get.
The Magic Mindset
/'majik/ /min(d)set noun
1. Encompasses the established set of thought processes, attitudes, beliefs, and convictions held by someone that makes it possible to conceive, believe and achieve the seemingly impossible.
2. A cognitive and emotional state fostering a deep sense of harmony, gratitude, and joy with God, the universe, and all living beings.
3. Transcends mere positive thinking by instilling the inspiration and determination to formulate plans and take unwavering action towards seemingly insurmountable objectives, firmly convinced that their realization is not a matter of IF, but a matter of WHEN.
4. Resonates on a frequency of confidence, clarity, peace, prosperity and personal power.
5. Can be cultivated through the acquisition and application of a set of principles and practices that empower individuals to manifest their ambitions into reality.
We're gonna go DEEP and get RIGHT TO THE POINT so you can quickly realign your thoughts and attitude with your most important dreams.
We will be utilizing FOUR unique mindset transformation tools to ensure that we hit every level of
negative thinking, fear and skepticism and CRUSH THEM.
√ You know you could be doing better and should be doing better.
√ You know you have potential but you are STUCK overthinking and bogged down in analysis paralysis.
√ You have great ideas but do not get the recognition from employers or others you work with.
√ You have dreams but are frozen with fear and lack the confidence to move to the next level.
√ You have confidence but do not have the discipline, inclination or the vaguest idea where to begin.
√ You are weighed down with negative or destructive habits.
√ You mind is clogged with negative thinking and you need a MINDSET SHIFT and push in the right direction.
√ You know you need a plan and a system to focus your energies.
√ You recognize that like EVERY champion athlete and successful CEO, you NEED a coach, a mentor ... someone to lift you up and push you to reach your full potential.
√ You already have everything you want in life.
√ You're unable or unwilling to open your mind to new ideas and concepts.
√ You have already achieved ALL of your dreams and aspirations.
√ You have no dreams or aspirations.
√ You already think you know it all.
√ Life is wonderful and you have no problems or issues whatsoever.
√ Your family and romantic relationships are all in order.
√ You already live life without any stress or anxiety.
Lack of Confidence: Many individuals struggle with low self-confidence, leading to self-doubt and inhibiting them from pursuing their goals.
Uncertainty: Before the workshop, people often grapple with a lack of clarity about their life's purpose and direction, leaving them feeling lost and unfulfilled
Procrastination: The workshop attendees may struggle with procrastination, hindering their ability to take action on their aspirations and dreams
Stress and Anxiety: High levels of stress and anxiety can be a significant obstacle, making it difficult to focus, make decisions, or enjoy a sense of well-being
Financial Concerns: Financial instability and worry about money can weigh heavily on individuals, causing stress and limiting their options.
Overwhelm: Feeling overwhelmed by life's demands, responsibilities, and obligations can be a constant struggle, leaving little time or energy for personal growth
Negative Self-Talk: Negative self-talk and a critical inner voice can erode self-esteem, leading to feelings of unworthiness and self-sabotage.Fear of Failure: Fear of failure can paralyze individuals, preventing them from taking risks and pursuing their dreams
Lack of Direction: Many people feel like they're drifting through life without a clear sense of purpose or a plan for their future, causing feelings of emptiness and frustration
Low Self-Expectation: A negative mindset combined with low self-esteem prevents one from dreaming big dreams and the hopes of achieving them
Renewed Self-Confidence: Participants will experience a significant boost in self-confidence, gaining the courage to pursue their goals and dreams with unwavering belief in their abilities
Clarity of Purpose: Through the workshop, individuals will gain crystal-clear clarity about their life's purpose, allowing them to set meaningful goals and priorities that align with their passions
Productivity: Attendees will learn an efficient system for planning and organizing their daily tasks, leading to increased productivity and the ability to make the most of their time
Empowered Mindset: The workshop will empower participants with a resilient and positive mindset, enabling them to overcome challenges, setbacks, and self-doubt effectively
Improved Relationships: As a result of their newfound confidence and mindset, attendees will see improvements in their relationships, fostering better communication and deeper connections with others
Resilience: Participants will develop resilience in the face of adversity, equipping them with the tools to bounce back from setbacks and maintain their momentum toward success
Greater Self-Esteem: With a transformed self-image, individuals will experience a significant increase in self-esteem, embracing their worthiness and embracing opportunities they once thought were out of reach
Tangible Goal Achievement: Through the workshop's guidance, attendees will learn how to set and achieve their goals effectively, turning their dreams into tangible, real-world accomplishmentsI
Peaceful Mindset: A newfound sense of inner peace and contentment will be cultivated, allowing participants to navigate life's challenges with a calm and collected demeanor
Financial Prosperity: By adopting the magic mindset principles, workshop participants will unlock their potential for financial prosperity, making informed decisions that lead to greater financial stability and abundance in their lives
The 3 Rock Solid Steps of "The Magic Mindset Mechanism™" are based on solid principles that have been used throughout the ages and have been practiced and taught by every great thought leader.Supercharged with cutting edge mind-power tools and hypnosis techniques to guarantee results, the program is a FAST-TRACK to take you to the next level.It is NO ACCIDENT that you found this incredible, TRANSFORMATIONAL program. You are a SEEKER of truth and self-improvement. Somehow you were meant to discover this process. You are about to tap into the brilliance of the Ancient Architects. You will adapt a LIVING blueprint that will guide you with the step by step instructions to live your unique life of Peace, Prosperity and Personal Power. You are about to finally ACHIEVE YOUR PERSONAL SUCCESS. It's time to "Set Your Success In Stone"™
Pyramids have been an enchanting symbol for millennia, rooted in deep metaphysical undertones and cultural significance. Here’s why the pyramid imagery is particularly adept at resonating with the subconscious mind when illustrating the Magic Mindset Mechanism's 3-step system: Purpose, Path, and Prosperity.
1. Universality of the Pyramid Symbolism: Pyramids are universally recognized. They've been revered by ancient civilizations and continue to be symbolic today. In a spiritual context, pyramids often represent ascension, energy, and enlightenment. By using this imagery, you’re tapping into a symbol that’s both familiar and profound, making it more digestible for the subconscious mind.
2. Hierarchical Representation: The pyramid's tiered structure naturally conveys a progression or hierarchy. It visually communicates that there’s a foundational step to begin with (Purpose), a process to follow (Path), and an ultimate pinnacle to reach (Prosperity). This aligns beautifully with the ethos of the Magic Mindset Mechanism, suggesting that one step organically leads to the next, emphasizing their interdependence.
3. Stability and Foundation: The base of the pyramid, representing "Purpose" in this context, is the widest and most stable part. It subtly communicates that defining one's purpose is fundamental. It's the bedrock upon which the subsequent steps are built. Without a clear purpose, the journey (Path) and the eventual goal (Prosperity) wouldn't stand firm.
4. Ascent to Enlightenment: As one moves upward on the pyramid, there's a sense of ascension and enlightenment, echoing the spiritual journey many undergo when delving deep into self-improvement. Reaching the top, or 'Prosperity,' is a culmination of the work put in at the foundational and intermediate levels. This aligns with the idea of fostering a prosperity consciousness while waiting for goals to manifest.
5. Energy Convergence: Metaphysically, pyramids are believed to concentrate energy. They draw energy from the universe and converge it at their peak. By placing "Prosperity" at the pinnacle, it resonates with the idea that by following one’s purpose and path, energy and intent converge to manifest prosperity.
6. Simplicity and Clarity: While the pyramid is rich in symbolism, it’s also simple and uncluttered. This ensures that the subconscious mind isn't overwhelmed. It's presented with a clear, step-by-step progression towards a more prosperous mindset.
In essence, the pyramid serves as a visual metaphor for the journey of self-discovery, growth, and eventual achievement. Its timeless symbolism, paired with the steps of the Magic Mindset Mechanism™, provides a potent tool for communicating the transformative potential of your course. Harnessing the subconscious mind’s affinity for symbols, especially ones as evocative as the pyramid, amplifies the power of your message
It's time to "Set Your Success In Stone"™
2023 The Magic Mindset Mechanism™. All Rights Reserved.
Magic Mindset Hypnosis LLC Madison Executive Center 1 West Broad St. Bethlehem, Pa. 18018